Or so I've been told many times lately.
I've also been told, "It's all down hill from here".
On October 6th of this year, I joined the exclusive Over-40 Club.
I've been dreading this for awhile now. I think the buildup is worse than the actual event, especially when friends are so kind to offer their wheel chairs, walkers, etc. The specific rundown on these kind gifts has been:
wheel chairs, walkers, bifocals, oxygen, Aspercreme, adult diapers, Snuggies, shower caps, Metamucil, Craft-O-Matic beds and Life Alert.
I woke up on the day of my birthday...and coffee tasted the same. I think I still looked the same. I felt pretty much the same, although a little fatigued as one of my friends had to call at midnight to be the first to wish me "Happy Birthday".
I've had people graciously tell me that I look good for 40...whatever that means. THANKS...I think. What are 40 year old women supposed to look like?
Today, someone told me that I'm not "old" till 50. Does that make me officially "middle-aged"? Other 40 year old women have told me that 40 is the new 30. Really??? I loved my thirties!!! This is great news for women who are 40--except for the fact that I think all of the 40 year old women made up this new rule all by themselves.
The great thing about my 30's was that I was an adult in my own right. 20 year olds--especially young 20 year olds--are barely adults. As a 30 year old, I was finally respected by other adults. A 30 year old has some life experience and wisdom under her belt. I didn't feel old at all. Physically, I was in great shape. I felt like a "grown up" in the best sense of the phrase.
If 40 is the new 30, then clearly life gets even better...right??? I can say that I definitely have more knowledge and wisdom under my belt now. I have a broader understanding of how the world works. I am more patient and can see the big picture better now than I ever could. Life experience has also made me less judgemental. Less judgemental in the sense that I have more grace for people now than before.
I think we could all use and give a little more grace--especially to those young "whippersnappers" who think they know everything.
I survived turning 40, and life is good. Maybe, just maybe, life does begin at 40. I'll keep you posted.